Happy new year to everyone. I am a newbie to TD. Apology if this question has been answered already.
Is TD compatible with maya, rhino and other 3D software, meaning import and export geometry from TD to the well known 3D software packages? Thanks in advance.
Typically the workflow is to export geometry from Maya,etc and import it in to TD.
I am not sure about exporting geometry from TD and am not on my machine right now to find out. but i am sure that the 3D software’s you mentioned are more powerful as a geometry builder than TD is. TD’s stronghold is to be able to manipulate and render the geometry from maya/etc efficiently and in realtime.
When going from Maya → TD, TD seems to prefer the fbx format to keep geometry, textures, camera, and lighting.
Hope this provides some insight but maybe someone else can answer TD->Maya/Rhino question. What did you want to go from TD → Maya/Rhino for anyway if you dont mind me asking?
Thanks emintzer for quick and swift answer. I was looking at the possiblity of using TD as a pre tool to do some architectural stuffs. TD seems to be great tool to translate any data to visual representation and kinetic stuffs *( I am completely new to the software so please bear with me) but I think it will be even more amazing if it has got some fabrication aspects, (meaning accuracy that helps fabrication), are added in. That’s why I was asking if I can export TD to maya or any other software. Hope that it answers your question. I will be looking forward to more inputs from TD experts. Thanks once again.