Connect using a specific url path using WebSocket DAT

Hey there,

I can’t seem to be able to connect to a specific url path using the WebSocket DAT and was wondering if this is possible?

To be clear, connecting to just the base host name works as expected. You can enter the hostname and port into the property panel. However, there are common situations where you would be handling multiple endpoints on a websocket server, and the client would need to connect to to a specific path such as ws://localhost:8888/path-name. This doesn’t seem to be possible using the WebSocket DAT.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Hello @bobdimin,

just testing with the Web Server DAT where it works that you can specify the uri without port. In your case:


and set the port parameter to 8888

does this also not work for you?

You are on the latest TouchDesigner?

Yup! This totally does work. I had tried this before and it didn’t work, however, turned out it was my mistake. I had pasted in a secure wss address to the hostname and didn’t change the port from 80 to 443, and since I was trying an address with a pathname I incorrectly assumed it was an issue with that.

Thanks for checking and confirming it works though! Very appreciated.

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