Connecting and referencing Midi, Osc and TD

Hello, I am really a newbie in touchdesginer and I want to know one thing, that seems simple, but it is not working for me …

I want to carry out a humble show where the visuals made in TD, react to what a pianist performs on a midi piano. I did a small program in max / msp where I can filter and program various behaviors about the midi information that comes from the digital piano. I thought about connecting max / msp with TD by OSC. I achieved that, but what I could not do is to reference the information that enters through the OSC IN object in TD to parameters of other operators.
For this case, it’s simple because I wanted to learn what the mechanics of TD are, I’m just passing MIDI information from note on and velocity from MAX to TD, through OSC.
I really want to play the piano with different velocities and have the TD modify operator parameters based on that midi input.

I hope it was understood. Many thanks!

Hello, it could be easier with a capture from your project! Normally you can route different Bosc channels using a select chop, so you can use each information in the right place.
Perhaps do you use OSC in DAT instead of OSC in CHOP. With the later, you can easily see and select each information.

Thanks. I’m here right now. The OSC bridge between MAX and TD is working as always.
Suppose i want to control some of those edge parameters with midi vel, what i have to do to achieve that?

Thanks in advance!

Hey Julian @dpchule,
To reference a CHOP value:

  1. attach a math CHOP to your select2 (this math will be useful to scale the value to a useful range after you have created a reference)
  2. attach a Null CHOP to the math CHOP (it is a good programming habit to have a Null at the end of a signal chain, so that it will make easier to insert operators in your chain if you need to)
  3. make the Null CHOP active by clicking on that little star on the bottom right on the node itself. (or select it and press ‘a’ on your keyboard.)
  4. now click and hold down the left mouse button on the value in that null CHOP that you want to use for your reference (in your case /midi/vel), and while holding down the left mouse, drag the mouse over the operator you want to control (in your case edge1).
  5. let go the mouse over the parameter you want to control and select Export Chop or CHOP reference.

I have attached a little example, just remove that placeholder constant chop and attach you OSCinCHOP.
I hope that helps!
reference.toe (3.6 KB)

PS: the greatest and super generous & talented Matthew Ragan wrote a tutorial about this. Understanding Referencing | TouchDesigner – Matthew Ragan

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That little star!!!
Great!! thanks a lot for your patience!