Connecting multipl objects to one inlet?

In max you can hold shift down and connect multiple patch cables from multiple boxes to the inlet on one object - how do you do this in touch ?


you need a multiple input op like compositeTOP. All op are not multiple input able.
on Comp operators, you ca use in and out ops tu create multiple input but you need to connect them one by one.

As for the connection itself, in a CompositeTOP for example (which accepts multiple inputs) you can select all ops you want to connect to it and drag a link from one of the selected ops to the CompositeTOP input. All selected ops are then connected at a single time.

By the way, similarly, you can change a value of a field from multiple op in one shot by selecting all ops and modifying the value on one op which will change all fields on the selected ops. For example you can change the x translation of multiple transformTOP at once.

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@Gusss What are you trying to do, each OP family would have a different context for why you’d want to do this.

For example, DATs, CHOPs and SOPs have the Merge operators which add all the inputs together into one node. For image based TOPs, that doesn’t really make sense so you’d use a Composite TOP as @Gallo suggested and select how you want those images composited, or a Layout TOP to lay them all out separately in rows, columns, or grids.

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Hi Ben,
Basically this :slight_smile:

I recognise not all chops/toips etc are compatible , its actually a bit si,milar in max in that you cant connect an audio cable to a data object but amongst similar classes objects - is the above possible ? I only ask because I needed to connect one audio in chop to about 20 audiofilter chops

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That’s nice :slight_smile:
With all the audioFilter CHOPs selected, connect the output from the audioFileIn CHOP to the first audioFilter CHOP and the rest will be connected as well. - Important is really to just have all the audioFilter CHOPs selected…



lovely well handy tx !!