Constraining particlesGPU to shape troubles

Hey folks! Very new to TouchDesigner (but having fun with it). Following the steps of this tutorial to the letter, but getting some different results and wondered if anyone had some suggestions?
Audioreactive Particle Cloud – TouchDesigner Tutorial 10 - YouTube - Audioreactive Particle Cloud

When the noise SOP is connected to the particlesGPU around 4:00-4:33, you’ll notice the tutorial gets this very well defined shape - as though the particles are constrained to the SOP emitter.

But when I connect those two… I get this much less defined result. My particles seem to be much denser, even though the settings are the same.

If I turn “show emitter” on, I can see that the SOP is there but you can also see that my particles seem to exist outside the emitter, whereas the tutorial one doesn’t do that.

You’ll also note in the tutorial image that the LookUp and Ramp are producing both a blue and a pink in the particles… but in mine, I only have 1 colour.

I’m not clear on what’s going on, aside from those two things everything works as intended - which is awesome. I had issues with another particle tutorial where the tutorial simply turned their particles on, and they faded off as they emitted but mine didn’t.

Is that what’s happening here? Did something changed between whatever version of TD they’re using and the one I’m using? (latest 2020.20020)
Is there something I need to adjust to create a greater range of alpha in the particles?

Any help appreciated as I fumble my way through this :smiley:

Did you try changing the amplitude and offset to .5 like biliam did? Seems like the noise is pretty heavy on your sphere.

Yeah, sure did.
Final settings he lands on is Amplitude 4 and Offset 0, I’ve tried this and other values.