Container COMP member functions (python)

Is there a way I can give my Container op a python member function?

I have a bunch of different cues that I want to trigger from python. I’d like to be able to say op(“cue_1”).play()
Currently, it seems I have to say op(“cue_1/op_inside_cue_1”), which is kinda roundabout, hard to read, and annoying to type.

This is something that we’ve been discussing internally, but there isn’t a way to avoid the ‘mod’ yet. Good to know other people are looking for this functionality also.

Would it be possible to make a special text operator (localmod or whatever) that you could write your utility functions into? Says the guy who knows nothing about the underlying workings of TD.

Or perhaps you could make it so that you can add python attributes to an operator?
For example:

def test():
   print ("stuff")
myop = op("soundfile")
myop.fn = test

It would be super sweet to be able to add actual methods to operators, so that you can get a self attribute automatically and have inheritance possibilities.