i run into this quite often- it’s difficult to explain with words alone, so let me know if you want a sample network.
let’s say you are using nested containers. you are using a render pick setup to sample your entire rendered field. you’ve got containers within containers, but you only want to sample or pick on your first layer container.
the default settings for containers are to have the display and enable tabs set to ON. from your first level container, you may not see the other containers within. but your render pick will not work on the pixels that are “blocked” by the nested containers within.
confusing? u bet. it would be best if either the default state of a container is display / enable OFF, or, there is a default (like .5) alpha setting for the display so you could see that there’s a container in your scene.
just, whenever you make a container, turn it’s display / enable to off. then turn it on when you need it - working the other way (the default way) may very well cause you to cry.