Container pixel interpolation

hi !

i have a top inside of a container that i want non-dithered (not interpolated) so i can have black and white steps with no transitions.

I changed the pixel mode in Top to “nearest” instead of “Interpolated” so it is ok, but on the container it still appear interpolated.

I can’t find any option for this in the container parameters.

Is there a way or should the container needs to be updated to include this option ?

Thanks a lot
Capture d’écran 2019-05-21 à 10.19.06.png

Simply set your container to “Operator Viewer”, meaning that it will display the TOP you have modified to b without interpolation. See attached image.

hi !

thanks for the answer

Yes i finally figured that out ! …but… now i am creating a set of those via Replicator Comp inside a main container, and again same problem but now the op viewer mode in the container is useless as it can handle only one op inside the container…

Is there a bug in there ?
I don’t know if i should put this on the wishlist and/or bug report…
Capture d’écran 2019-05-21 à 17.19.54.png


In this second case, with all the replicants inside the container, are you sure that you are seeing interpolation? I believe is more blurring from the resolution in the UI than from actual texture interpolation you are seeing… what happens when you open the viewer of the container, do you still see blurred textures? In that case you should see the textures on their proper resolution.

Yes !

I got kind of confused by the op viewers.
Obviously 8x8 pixels resolution is pretty damn small !

What i was looking after is the representation of 8x8 pixels shape which i then need to upscale to upper resolution for real size display while keeping the same aspect.

Thanks a lot