Today I decided to make a new version of my first TD experience, originally created 1 month ago.It is an abstract animation with noise, repeated images and lots of distortion. I think I can understand at least most of what’s happening in it.
However, there is a slight problem. I really like the final result, but the Displace TOP makes the colours change suddenly and constantly. I played with the settings until I got a satisfactory result, because at the beginning the animation would go almost completely white for a little bit each x seconds.
I know that the displacement imposed in an animation with a lot of different colours would inevitably give weird unpredictable results, however I would like to have more control over the colours and hue of the animation.
I would like to know if there is there something I can do with the current structure of the project or if it would be better to reorganize most objects with a clear objective in mind.
Thank you very much,
Feedback Experience.toe (4.8 KB)