I recently made a led pixel circle that works with teensy through TouchDesigner and now I got a projector. The idea is to map projection inside circle and synchronize LEDs with edges of projection inside.
For this reason I need to convert circle edges (basically circle border) to straight line, so I can send this to LED controller.
I tried Corner Pin and some other options but nothing worked for me.
Hi Ostrovsky,
It’s hard to say exactly what you need without seeing your network.
I have attached a couple of examples to demonstrate how I would resolve this, although I am sure there are different ways to achieve the same results.
You mentioned trying to convert a circle to a straight line, using a Cornet Pin TOP.
Usually for LED mapping, it’s better to use a SOP (circle, or line, or any other shape). That’s because you can set the amount of points of your SOP to match the number of pixels in your LED strip, and also because SOPs are easier to manipulate in different shapes.
In this example Circle to Line, move the fader in that Cross CHOP to change your SOP from line to circle and viceversa.
I don’t think that this is what you need to resolve your LED mapping, but could be interesting to have a look at it. Circle to Line.toe (4.0 KB)
In this other example, I am using a SOP in a shape of a circle to read the RGB pixel values of that spinning ramp. I have made also a super quick visualisation to show you how your LED should appear in real life. The RGB values that I imagine you need to send to your Teensy appear in that null_DMX node. But you can shuffle those values whichever way works best for your set up. Mapping a Circle.toe (4.9 KB)
In both examples I have set an arbitrary amount of LED pixels.
Tweak and change and adapt to your network.
you ca use CropTOPs to cut out borders of your image and then transform/re-composite them onto a line of pixels. You can resize final line to the number of leds you need.