Copy ID's

hello there, jsut started playing around with touch designer, coming from maya, nuke, and a background of ableton and djing. I’m doing a research project for school on controlling touch with midi and audio routing from ableton.

One problem i’m having at the moment, is i’m using a copy node to put box’s onto the points of a grid, but i want to be able to control each copied box. for example animate rotation of them seqentially mexican wave style i guess?

So how am I able to find the id of each copy/instance? and do i need to enter them into a table dat and then use expressions to run a rot command over them or?

cheers for any help

Hey there,

Have a look at stamping with the copy sop.

Look at the “param” and “chopi” expressions as these will help with this too.


it might be better to do this with instancing these days, especially if you plan to have heaps of copies.

try the following threads that have attached examples…

and this gorgeous thing by vesabios that I have shamelssly ripped off on more than one occasion…

oh, and…
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1640&p=7911 :slight_smile:


awesome cheers both of you for the help, i played around with a group node a seperate piece of geometry working as the selection bounding box on the grid, so i could translate them still struggled to rotate the copied boxes.
I’ll check these other things out