Count CHOP immediate reset

Regarding the count CHOP:
Using the reset input or the reset button in the parameters from script does not reset the count immediately… it waits til the next frame. A way to reset the count immediately from script would be really nice.

The reason for my request is that I want to show a TOP and fade it in using the count CHOP for the fader from script. The problem came up that I couldn’t set the count back to zero and reveal the TOP in the same script because it would flash one frame with transparency set to whatever the count was on the fader. (The reason it was already counting is part of my project that is not worth going into here).

My solution was to recreate the count chop with my own network that could be immediately reset from script. That works, and was relatively easy, but I figure it’s probably an easy feature to add to the count CHOP, and seems like a good feature for it to have.
countreset.toe (4.84 KB)