Counting total number of dropped frames

is there any easy way to count total number of dropped frames during the show running (in order to show it in my user interface)?
Perform CHOP have “Dropped frames” chanel (parameter) but it only show number of dropped frames between current one and previous one.
I tried to sum/count them using count CHOP or speed CHOP but the results seem to be too low since the counter increases only when the “dropped frames” channel changes.
Probably the closest I got is using count CHOP with “frame” from timeline CHOP as first input and and “dropped frames” from perform CHOP as third input but it still seams to be not counting correctly (over-counting this time).

Hi @Milten,

instead of looking at the “dropped_frames” channel, use the “cook” channel of the Perform CHOP and feed it into a Count CHOP increasing the count on On to Off and While Off.


Thank you,
it seems to working great.