Create a specific arrangement (circular) of points

Hello there,

My first post and a super begginer here… So I am sure I already have several misconceptions so thanks for your patience in advance.

I am trying to create object/geometry which consists of a circular grid of points with a specific number and position of points.

Based on the the post named “Creating a circular grid”, I managed to create the configuration of points I want, only issue is that instead of points is made out of circles…

So, now, I have 37 circles with 40 points each… which is bad. I am sure is super easy but how can I use points instead of circles? I have checked the point object but seems like is doing other stuff.

Once I have these points, I would like to use them to sample pixels of content. Basically pixel mapping video to several of these geometries. I guess once I have the geometry I can instance it and arrange the instances as desired.

I am sure there are several ways of doing this efficiently. I have another question about how to number the points in the order I want but bit by bit…

Many thanks in advance for any help

Juan P

There are many ways to do this, so you’re not limited to any one.

You could write out coordinates in a table dat, and convert that to a sop. This gives you inherent control over order too.

You could also build your shape out of sop points, you might look at the ‘add sop’ deceptively named. You can add 1 or many points through it and merge those directly as well. This might make more sense I’d you want to see the layout more visually as you build.

You can also use primitive SOP to scale each of your circles/prims to 0 and then use facet SOP to consolidate points

Definitely both solutions work nicely, I did not think that it was the “add sop” what I needed to place points, not very obviously named indeed. Also the table dat is a very good option, very effective to control the data even if it is more tedious

Thanks a lot!

Wow, not sure if I fully understood but it works. I just placed a primitive after the merged scaled to 0 and connect to facet and consolidate (I ve chosen slow…)

So, what am I doing there? so, by scaling to zero all the points of a polygon/geometry share the same coordinates and then with the facet points sharing coordinates are merged?

Why it works with the primitive and not with the transform?

Also very fast solutions to convert what I had to points. Not that easy (for me) to control the order tho.

Thank you!

Technically consolidate merges by point distance. Not sure why it’s called slow. Been like that for 20 years . The primitive SOP scales each primitive using its center as the pivot. The transform SOP version would use the center of the whole geometry as the pivot .