Create lines between particles

Is it possible to create lines between particles?

And is there any way to check the distance between particles and if the distances are lower than for example 10, then the lines are generating between particles within the range?

Seems like you would need to get the point position data and make those determinations in CHOPs or DATs (sounds kind of slow…). I haven’t used particle SOPs too much, so I don’t know if there is any embedded analysis functionality, but I don’t think so.

But, once you’ve figured the position/distance thing out, you may want to check out this thread for a few different ways to create lines between points. Might at least be a starting point for that half of the problem:

[url]Drawing arrays of 3D lines quickly - #20 by greg - Beginners - TouchDesigner forum

Here’s a way to do it. you can also achieve it with a point SOP in the mix or just render the particle system in wireframe mode.
part_line.toe (4.7 KB)