Creating a circular grid


I’d like to create a circular grid but I can’t think of any other way than mapping a rectangular grid to polar coordinates. I’m just beginning to learn GLSL and coordinate mappings seem a bit too high level stuff for me at the moment.

Is there any fairly simple ways to do these kind of coordinate mappings in TouchDesigner? Or does anyone know any other ways to accomplish what I’m trying to do?

When you say ‘grid’, in this case, do you mean like a normal grid where the points are on perpendicular gridline, just masked into a circle?

Or do you mean spoke-and-hub concentric circles and radial lines?

Or a spiral?

Maybe a drawing would help.

Like this: … 049_lg.gif

Not in front of TD, but try the tube sop with zero height and one of the radii at size 0

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ten points for Achim


Haha, thats perfect! :smiley: Thank you very much!

Here I was contemplating about coordinate transformations when you can do the same thing just by flattening a fucking tube. :smiley:

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