Using an Evaluate DAT fed by a Table to control xyz coordinates of my Geo COMP.
Evaluate > Output is set to Evaluate.
My problem is that I need to set some default x,yz value(s) when evaluate is ‘None’
Can this be done somehow in the Evaluate DAT or do I need to modify the Table expression feeding the DAT?
You can add a one line if-statement into your eval to give a location that’s default. It’d be something like:
val if val != None else defaultVal
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Thanks Matthew. working.
BTW, really nice instancing demo! GitHub - mir-lab/touchdesigner-instancing-examples
Thanks @art3mis - they were really fun to put together. I just need to finish all the writing that goes along with them.
val is not None
is slightly more efficient and the more common way to write this. Equality is always slower to test than “is”.
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huh - I did not know that @Ivan. Pro tip there.
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