Creating a specific shape

I want to create a sphere shape with particles (preferably), and i want it to rotate on its y axis as well as its x axis.
I have tried using a sphere and a line MAT, but animating it to rotate cause the whole sphere to spin rather than individual sections to spin on their own axis fixed at the center.
To give some background, I am trying to make a bloch sphere for a physics project, and i want to add a 3d arrow shape inside the sphere later as well, then animate it on a set path.
here is what i could do right now

I have instanced another circle here, but the problem is, starting out all the points are at the same place and they gradually spread out.
Can someone guide me how i can make a better shape like depicted in the picture and how i can animate it according to my needs?

hey @phantom080, welcome tho the forum

So I think I read two questions here, the second question being why the points are not spread evenly over the sphere? You can set the primitive type of the Sphere SOP you’re using for the instancing positions to polygon instead of mesh.

Regarding your first question, it’s not clear to me from your current description what your animation needs to look like - Bloch spheres can be visualized in many ways - can you explain in another way what you mean with “individual sections to spin on their own axis fixed at the center” ? Of you you have a link to a similar animation online?

Thank you so much for your help.
I wasn’t using a sphere to begin with, it was 2d circles, but i will look into the sphere next

In animation, i want each particle to follow an individual path if that’s possible. Or the sphere to be sliced in a way where each line is separated and sphere is not spinning as a whole. So maybe the lines on towards the top are spinning faster and in one direction, and as they go down wards they start spinning in an opposite direction.

I’d recommend to look deeper into instancing. As you can give each instance its own position and animate that position.
See Help->operator snippets for the Geo COMP for several examples. If you have the positions in CHOP or TOPs you can then fully manipulate those positions there, before you feed it as position data for your instances to the Geo COMP

Alright, once again thank you for your help.
I will look into instancing

Do you have any recommendations for learning instancing?

See here TouchDesigner | Instancing Examples – Matthew Ragan

And also this tutorial is old (some UI will look different) but still a good introduction:

Many more instancing tutorials here:

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