Creating multiple geo sequences on smae workspace

Hi. There’s probably a simple way to do this, but I’m not seeing it.

I am creating an animation sequence that will be used for a theatre production. I have so far successfully made a sequence that is triggered by a keyboard input (Hitting #1 on keyb.)to cause a photo to come into the screen and travel further and further into the background until it disapears. For this particular sequence I need to do this with a dozen photos or more. I thought I could just cut and paste my arrangement onto more workspace and then change the image and variables to make it a little different than the last one and link an other trigger ( #2 on my keyb.) and so on.

The problem is when I copy the whole package everything still stays liked together and creates a whole mess of interconnected modules. What are some ways to achieve new instances of my photo animations within the same environment?

you could use a TOP switch node and have the keyboard button trigger the input value. use a count chop to increment the value each time.

If you use relative paths for any parameter that referencing another node things will copy/paste well.
For example a Container COMP with a Background TOP set to a TOP inside of it should use the path ./topname

instead of using the full path.

Is this the issue you are running into?

Alright I follow the logic of that. I have set up a TOP switch with three images linking into the phong module. I can see when I slide the values in the parameter window it changes from one image to the other with each integer. Beautiful.

I have also set up a keyb. trigger input that feeds into a counter that increases one integer with each keystroke. That’s great. But I cannot link it to the TOP switch. What am I missing here?

You’ll need to export the data as the operators deal with data of a different type and can’t communicate directly. Right click the CHOP and open up the chop exporter then just drag and drop into the switches index parameter.

Yeah I tried that. I get an error message (Invalid number of arguments for function). I also realized that this still only gives me one piece of geometry on my screen. I want to bring in the next photo(s) before the old one disapears. I need multiple instances of different geometry. What would be a simple way to duplicate my arrangement as I do have a working model right now.

you could use a container, put your network inside then clone it, using variable names as malcom suggests. im not at my pc now but there’s examples in the pallette browser - look for UI stuff. basically the containers would all contain the same network. any changes made to the original would be passed on to the clones. they each have different names and you use these names to select your images. eg the image path would look for path/$OPN (operators parents name)

I have copied my arrangement into a container. I now have a second working animation inside this container.

2 questions. 1 - How do I now display this animation within the container onto my performance screen along with the original animation? I do not see how to route it to my Monitor 2.

2- It seems the animation within the container is not being triggered when I am outside of it. I have both animations set to trigger when I hit my #1 key. But both of them only go off if I am inside the container.

OK, I got them so they are both triggering. 1st one triggers with #1, second triggers with #2, I have the second one appearing on the display monitor, but I’m currently only able to view the first one on the render node. How do I merge both of these onto the same display for the audience?

A number of ways to do this, if you are rendering seperately within the comps you can pass both tops out and use an over node to layer them. Alternatively you could render the two geos with a single render node and save on some gpu mem but you’d need to rearrange the tree to accomodate this.

To use monitor 2 enable it in the window placement dialogue and select the top you want to send to it.

Thanks for the help by the way.
Could you tell me what the specific steps and nodes I would need to do that?

Just wanted to let you know, I figured it out. Passed all my objects into a common render node. Simpler than I thought.

cool :smiley:

And fyi the best way to get focused feedback is to post a .toe file showing what you’re trying to do, much easier for people on the forum to give you some help . . .