Creating multiple pages on UI

Hi guys,
this is my first dive into using the UI within touchdesigner. I’ve followed it for the most part and understand it, but would like to have one section of my UI to have two instances that I can switch between, almost treat them like pages. I can’t for the life of me figure out how to do it. I noticed in the geopanel there is a menu in the centre that toggles between the different options, something like that would be great but I could dissect how that was built in the geopanel.

Thanks for your help

For my part, I use container inside container, for example 4 960x540 OP Viewer Comp inside a 1920x1080 container who will be used by my perform Window. Its very easy to change the link of the OP Viewer to different 960x540 Container, each having different sliders, buttons, text and field.
I use also button with “op('myContainer”).openViewer()" to open vindows with only the settings I need. I can have twenty buttons to open any parameters.
Hope that helps,

Thanks for your reply,
Am i using a OP viewer to change the parameter I’m looking at, for example I have 5 drop down lists in a column, i’d like to be able to hit a button and it would change these to be 5 text fields but in the same place in my UI. When I have them through OP view I’m unable to select the drop down menu

Here is a very quick example of what I prepare for UI.
UIchanger.toe (6.9 KB)

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