Creating multiples instances of the same conponent / container


I created a container that takes a CHOP input representing an iteration number and uses it as a seed to produce a shape. When I press a key on my keyboard, I want to create a new instance of my container, count the number of times the key was pressed, and feed this count as the input to the new instance. Then, I want to add the new shape next to the first one.

I have figured out the keyboard input and the logic for scaling and placing the shapes on a plane, but I can’t figure out how to handle the “dynamic” instantiation of containers.

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

Look into the Replicator COMP examples

Continuing the Nettoyeur suggestion, here is an example of replicator producing iteration of a circle.
The number of side is the item count. With a replicator callback script joining each container to the layout Top.
1 append shape
0 reset
shapeReplicator1.toe (4.4 KB)

That exactly what I was looking for. Thank you both!