I’m trying to make a very simple ragdoll, using bullet solver to drive deformation of a simple tube.
I have 4 tubes in a chain within bullet solver. I’m then taking the transforms from the bullet solver CHOP and assigning them to null COMPs which have cregions attached. Each null goes into a capture SOP, they’re then merged and fed into a deform SOP.
What I’m seeing is that the geometry is being replicated because it’s attached to 4 capture SOPs that are then merged.
Essentially I don’t know how to assign multiple cregions to one capture SOP. I feel like I’m very close to getting this working, if anyone can help get me over the line, I’d really appreciate it!
Project file attached. Press 1 to init bullet solver, 2 to start it, and hold 3 to recapture regions as the timeline loops around.
All the best,
RagdollDemo.toe (8.3 KB)