Cregion and Capture SOP: How do I capture multiple regions?


I’m trying to make a very simple ragdoll, using bullet solver to drive deformation of a simple tube.

I have 4 tubes in a chain within bullet solver. I’m then taking the transforms from the bullet solver CHOP and assigning them to null COMPs which have cregions attached. Each null goes into a capture SOP, they’re then merged and fed into a deform SOP.

What I’m seeing is that the geometry is being replicated because it’s attached to 4 capture SOPs that are then merged.

Essentially I don’t know how to assign multiple cregions to one capture SOP. I feel like I’m very close to getting this working, if anyone can help get me over the line, I’d really appreciate it!

Project file attached. Press 1 to init bullet solver, 2 to start it, and hold 3 to recapture regions as the timeline loops around.

All the best,

RagdollDemo.toe (8.3 KB)

So I’ve managed to get this working, but ended up using Blender to rig my mesh. I’d still love to know how to pass multiple capture regions to the capture sop/deform though, just becauase it’s baffled me :smiley:

you can just merge them with a merge sop!
sorry for. crawling out from the depths of 2 years in the future with this but i had to figure this out myself recently lol