Cueing through a movie file slows frame rate considerably


I am using a beat (pulse out), lag and speed CHOP that exports to the “cuepoint” parameter of the Movie File In TOP. I am trying to achieve the *jumping through a video to a rhythm * effect. The lag provides a smooth IO ramp.

This technique makes the frame rate of Touchdesigner to drop considerably.

Is this normal?
Am interested in figuring out a technique of doing this more efficiently.


Sounds like you aren’t using a GPU accelerated codec. If this is a compressed codec like mp4, anything besides stable forward playback will be quite expensive as it tries to decompress in real time.

Supported GPU accelerated codecs are HAP and NotchLC. Do some reading up on them, your best bet will be to use a program like Adobe Media Encoder or Handbrake to convert your video files to HAP. You could also do this directly in TouchDesigner by rerecording it with a moviefileout to HAP. I would recommend unchecking the realtime flag if you are doing something like this to ensure no lost frames

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Thank you. I will try this!