Curious about the new timeline

rel notes say:

local timeline in any component - The new Timeline component can be used in any component and gives it a independent timeline which can be started played, looped, stopped independent of any other timeline in TouchDesigner. Copy /ui/timeline into any component.

I don’t see anything called /ui/timeline.

How do I use a localized timeline?


The first approach will be to access the local CHOP timeslice from a standard location,
though this will become more integrated soon.

I don’t get your explanation at all. I know nothing about the new timeline, so what you say doesn’t make sense. Isn’t there some rough doc out there (that doesn’t refer to non-existing operators like /ui/timeline :slight_smile:) ?


Im not aware of any doc yet, but basically the plan is to have the current ‘time’
defined by a CHOP channel index, sitting inside a local time component.
We’ll let you know as things get more ironed out.

how to switch to “global” timeline ?

I think that would be the $AF variable? Which btw is very welcome!



If before you were using variables in expressions like $F to drive your animations forward, you should now use expressions like chop(“/local/time/clock/frame”). Or better, select using a select chop the path /local/time/clock, - channel name - frame, and then export the channel and you have all the benefits of chop integration.

If you want to do something custom to the clock you can modify the playback mechanism in /local/time.

The timeline component is located in /ui/dialogs/keyframer and /ui/dialogs/timeline.

Custom clocks are not yet supported. The only capabilities with the new timeline we are currently endorsing are using it as a global clock as mentioned above or a completely internal local clock for an animation component. If you have an animation component loaded you can assign an “internal” clock using the Animation Settings parameters in the Animation editor for that animation component.

If you look inside the animation component you will see a component inside called “time”. If you look at that time component you will see it is identical to the /local/time component. Therefore if you have a need you can hot wire this process to make any kind of clock you want.

We will support custom clocks eventually and we are using them heavily in the Plastikman project so we will be driving forward the testing and use of this new system heavily. We are also using this system in production on some other big projects so I have a great deal of confidence in the architecture - but we have a lot of work to do to make it user friendly to manage custom clocks for media components. Its coming we are working on it :slight_smile:


Thanks for the info. but I don’t get how to manage global timeline/playbar for this moment. Global I mean this with is used by command “play”.

in addition to my last question…
Chops are played base on global timeline. How to switch them to new /local/time/clock/frame ? Is clear for me that I can export data from clock node but how to setup things to use local timeline/playbar to manage playing for CHOPs and other nodes.
In the case of managing global timeline the solution for this moment is textport and commands?