Just wondering if the custom attributes than can be added with the point sop can be called with a variable, for example for an a float attribute called myatt, something like $MYATT ?
I’m using a point() right now.
Also, is there a way to add new parameters to OPs, like the spare parameters in Houdini ?
For a component I create, it would be nice to be able to drive parameters on OPs inside the component with new parameters on the component directly.
I’ve watched the vimeo tutorial about creating a user interface with sliders and all, looks nice, but a bit cumbersome for simple stuff.
For example, I’d like to create a glow component which would wrap a blur, a threshold, a screen and a level TOP, and be able to modify it without diving inside the network.
Thanks a lot!
ps : I guess you must be tired from users asking about Houdini features!
as far as i know there is no attribute > variable mapping in touch, so point() is the way to go. Miss that feature as well. Would be a nice RFE.
Unfortunately there are no spare parameters either. I totally agree, the UI capabilities of touch are great for big control-panels …, but they are not good for creating UIs for little components (digital assets). It just takes just too much time to create, things are never unified across multiple components/digital assets… As a rough workaround, I usually store all my parameters as local variables, then display that table in the tileviewer of the component. Not pretty, but super fast to setup…
can you put up a little example of that sometime? I think it’s good for us ‘beginners’ (has it been 7 years already?) to get a feel for good practices in organising projects - especially reusable components that others might benefit from.