Sooo this is my first post on this forum! Im still a noob to TD but I’ve been a long time Max/msp, puredata and Quartz Composer user so learning it feels pretty natural.
As I have been a mac user, my main concern right now is getting a new PC that will actually run TD - WELL. SO , I am here asking the community what you think about this custom build I made before I purchase the parts for it.
More specifically I’m wondering if it will run all the goodness that beta 088 (and future builds) has to offer? I know that depends on exactly what Im going to do with Touch, but in general will this machine handle pretty much everything I do in 088?
Wow, that’s a nice build for 700$. The 660 is a good card, I haven’t used it personally, but I’ve used the 680m and the Quadro k5000’s without issues.
I haven’t personally used AMD CPUs for a long time, so I can’t comment much on that.
I’d just maybe check some measurements of the case compared to the mobo, and compared to the 660, as sometimes graphics cards can be a tight squeeze, and better safe than sorry. Maybe Google to see if anyone else has used the same card combo.
Looks like a nice build, especially for that price point.
I don’t see a drive spec in there, but I would highly recommend springing for an SSD. Even if only a 120GB SSD to start with, you’ll be able to use a lot more video in TouchDesigner with an SSD, and your computer will feel snappy in everyday use to boot!