Custom Component Working, But No Widget Interface

Hi all,

I just finished building a custom component and tried to share it and open it on another computer. What happened was that the inner network and widget setup seems to be working but for some reason, the actual interface I built is not there. Perhaps I just missed something but anyone have any thoughts?

I’ve attached the .tox file and the image of what the interface should look like.


filterControl.tox (429.9 KB)

Hey @luxnaut - if I drag and drop this TOX into TD project that’s already running I see the UI come up just fine. If I just double click the TOX to opening it, I don’t see the UI (in the latest 2021 build).

This looks like it could be a bug with widgets and TOX opening.

Two quick work arounds - when opening, start with an open project and drag and drop the tox into the project. Or save this as a toe file and then it should work as expected.

I’m going to tag @ben to check this out to see if it’s actually a bug to move to another forum category.

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Gotcha. I’m also running Big Sur 11.3 Beta on my Mac, so I was thinking that it might be that. Thanks as always @raganmd

Does this have to do with the width and height being set to Fill? If you load that Tox into a baseCOMP (or any non-panel COMP) all the internal panels are invisible because there is no width/height to fill.

Hi all,

Just wanted to see if there was any news on if this is a bug or not?


Did you test what I suggested? The tox you sent had width and height set to Fill, so it will not be visible if you load it into a baseCOMP.
If that’s not it, please send a saved version of the .toe (not just the tox) with the UI invisible.

Hi @Ivan,

I tried to switch it to anchor or fixed and and not seeing any changes when I try to reload it. I may be misunderstanding or overlooking something, so apologies if that’s the case but here’s the .toe


filterNewAnchor.tox (373.5 KB)

When I change the outer component Horizontal and Vertical Modes to Fixed, it seems fine.
filterControlColorful.tox (356.6 KB)

If this doesn’t fix the problem send the .toe file that it doesn’t show up in. Again, not just the .tox but the full saved file.

Sorry about that, thought I had originally sent the .toe. Seems to be working now, thank you!