custom slider and start/stop

jarret helped me make this for the video tutorial, it’s a custom slider and start/stop button but there you could make others from the media (assuming that i managed to save it properly here)
controlpanel.tox (2.16 KB)

also, here’s a particularly relevant tutorial for making control panels like the one attached above … Panels.asp

HI Marc,

I tried it but got no action there. Does it need UIG in the root level to work?


hey rodney,
the attached tif file was supposed to be included in the project nested in the folder media\map.
does that now work?
marc_buttons.tif (368 KB)

Xcuse but the .tiff attachment doesn’t seem to work…



I loaded the tiff and locked the Moviein TOP inside this component.

controlpanel.tox (302 KB)