customizable windows placement?

Is there a way to modify the windows placement parameters in the /start script?

I want to load the same file in two separate instances. In one instance I want it to display buttons, in another I don’t. While I can do that within the panel I’m using as perform panel, I can’t change the position and size of the window, or can I?


In /start you can place windows where you want with “controlpanel” commands. There is a bit of overlap with the functionality of Window Placement. Does this work for you?

that may be enough, but how do I:

open the control panel in exclusive mode (so I don’t see the main ui)
open it onto the right monitor?

and will “esc” still work if that’s the only panel I end up seeing (doesn’t look like it does, but maybe that’s good because I can add a user/password to excute a script to turn the exclusive mode off)


nevermind, I got it - I’ll use the winplacement command instead, looks like I can set/trigger everything I need from there.


yes winplacement will allow me to do what I’m doing already with the perform panels but in a parametric way.

but I wouldn’t mind figuring out away to basically turn off the “esc” functionality - so that the re-entering into edit mode can only happen from script (which in turn is triggered by a button/user pass field etc.)

so my question is:
Is it really hard to have a command that turns off/on what happens when you hit escape? - an env variable wouldn’t work because one could hack into the bat script anyway, but for example a simple flag in the controlpanel or winplacement command would do the trick. All I need is really to have control over whether or not esc works.
