Cycling speed sensor (bluetooth 4.0 ANT+ )

Does anyone has experience with cycling speed sensor and TD. The type ANT+ Bluetooth 4.0 . I would like to know what is the best approach to get it working. Thx

Haven’t seen any implementation yet, but a quick search revealed this:

I’d be very interested to hear if this would work…

Hi markus, after little bit of research following your link i found few paths to investigate.

Openant GitHub - Tigge/openant: ANT and ANT-FS Python Library which looks like specific to Garmin devices

The developer tool on the official ANT+ site , it might help
and the Python-Ant github link you posted.
I can write python but not sure where to start or even which fork to try out. Really i would like to test the most basic setup which would be a Cycling speed sensor and get that data into TD .

Any movement in this area?

Did you try to receive data using SimulANT+ ?

Hey @sebkowski

I have a treadmill sensor and an ANT+ usb dongle ordered and waiting for them to arrive. Did you achieve any data transmission? Using the python lib?

Or @snaut do you know of any other approaches within the community?

Greetings from Berlin

Hi @daniel.dalfovo,

no - haven’t seen anything. Please let me know if you are making progress on this though.


Hey @snaut and @sebkowski. Sorry I was a little caught up, but I was able to get things running with this lib:

The author went through the same problems that I went through when trying to implement the standard library or one of the many forks of it. So the lib mentioned above seems to me like a bare bone version of it, reduced to some minimal but working functions. Works nicely for me now, receiving speed of treadmills and heart-sensors, etc from multiple devices at the same time.

I needed to buy this USB ANT+ dongle:
Install this driver for it:

And I manually extended the lib and added some functions to it since I was a bit limited. Thanks @greg for pointing to their software tools, the helped to get things going in terms of “IDs”, ports etc.

All in all it was much harder than I thought, not really standard, scarce documentation. But now its all wokring!! YEA! Let me know if someone has specific questions…


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