hi everyone, I’ve been working on LiDAR act as a touch screen input for a while, since I’m not using Hokuyo which is the only one that TouchDesigner supports, so I have to built my own setup, which is like this:
YDLiDAR X4(Serial)->ESP8266 running Arduino(UDP)->TD(DAT’UDP IN’)->(CHOP’DAT TO’)
I already managed to transform the polar coordinates LiDAR outputs to Cart coordinates using a DATexec occupying OpenCV and outputs to a DATTO CHOP,but here comes the question:
While my carttable outputs 40 pairs of xy coordinates each frame,the DAT TO CHOP cooks only 60samples/second,a large amount of point data were lost resulting the refresh rate to be very low.any suggestions on better solution drawing out all those points?the sample rate of that DAT TO CHOP cannot be changed and I simply don’t know why.thanks.