looks like the DAT Execute DAT Wiki page (derivative.ca/wiki077/index. … xecute_DAT) has some older info - don’t see size change mentioned, etc.
I’m wondering about this too. is sizeChange no longer functional ?
I am going to try and use ‘numRows’ via Python to query how many rows my DAT has- is that the correct new method ?
Not sure which info is old or new, but yes numRows is valid.
Size Change is in there, but you are linking to the 077 wiki.
The correct documentation for 088 is in the 088 wiki here: www.derivative.ca/wiki
derivative.ca/wiki088/index. … xecute_DAT
Could you tell us how you are getting to the 077 wiki? Is it old bookmarks? The 088 builds should be linking you to the new 088 wiki.