Dat table stream to send over OSC

Hello everyone
sorry for the noob question :

I am using blobtrack CHOP now, and I need to send the tracking table DAT over OSC to be used in another software.
I thought it would be just plug and play, but when I connect the DAT table to OSC in, TD crashes straight away…
I basically need to extract id, u and v and send it to OSC
what is the best way to do it? CHOP Osc? If yes, How do i handle the multiple data which also changes in time?

Here is a simplified version of my project :

OSCDATsample.1.toe (6.2 KB)

Hi @lostshun,

you could just connect the Merge CHOP directly to the OSC Out CHOP. If you like to change the channel names which eventually would be used as the OSC address, use a Select or Rename CHOP.
