Data acquisition using com port device

I promise to follow up on this one once I’ve got it working (so nag me if I don’t!) …

I’m working on a piece where data is being gathered form ECG, EMG, EEG and other body data in analog form from sensors on a performer. I’ll be visualising it using TouchDesigner on-the-fly.

The guy doing the medical sensor stuff chose the following box for data acquisition:

I haven’t got the box yet but, from a quick email to Rob from Derivative…

I figure that this might be good for a few people here who are a bit scared by the Arduino and could use a $60 box with 8 analog inputs, 4 digital ins and outs with nothing to program onboard plus nice screw terminals to hook up to their whatevers - custom sliders and buttons or heat, bend sensors etc.

Once I have it good, I’ll add a little tutorial here and on the wiki. hopefully it will be a matter of installing the drivers, dropping the .tox into your project and rocking out.


Just a quick progress report.
actually, it turned out to be quite easy.

the two main things to be aware of with this device are:

  1. the messages need a carriage return so start would be

          [i]send -r /project1/serial1 start[/i]
  2. in float mode, the device kindly pads non-negative numbers with spaces so the columns are neat when they don’t have a minus sign. That means that using pads as a delimiter for table conversion is very messy. So some deft expression kungfu is needed to sort that out. I just opted for ascii mode instead because it doesn’t have that problem/feature.

I’ll include more later and upload a .toe but here’s what it looks like running…


from the Vimeo notes: