Default Perform Mode

I wanted to ask the community how they deal with using TD in an installation setting. In an ideal setting I would think that the management of TD would be done entirely via external scripting I.e. “On machine startup launch TD with the correct project and go to perform mode” or “if TD is closed reopen it with the correct project and go to perform mode” in case it crashes. Has anyone been able to do this? How about locking the software in perform mode such that you can’t get to the node editor screen? I’m fine getting whatever license I need to make this happen since it does remove the TD splash screen etc. but I’m just curious how other people manage this.


In the window dialog box you can easily set the project to open in perform mode.

Now you just need to open it on boot.

I usually use a bat file to start the process.
like this

start "TouchDesigner" "C:\Program Files\Derivative\TouchDesigner099\bin\TouchDesigner099.exe" "C:\Users\Harvey\TOUCH\ProjectFolder\projecttest.toe" Exit

you can also use nVoid’s “stalker” app that can keep Touch running

I have my own python script that I run on every computer that is able to turn on and off any process on the computer including touch. I think everyone has one of these process managers in their back pocket if they have done this awhile.

on some other notes. Derivative introduced private networks a while ago. These allow you to password lock a network. I never use it because I think anyone who puts in the work to understand what’s in my network has earned it.
You can also hide nodes, which many people don’t even know about.
You can also change the escape key from closing out of perform mode.

This is perfect! Never knew about that dialog and the stalker app. Super helpful!

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