Delay scenario

Hey again all, this will be my last question (I hope!)

I have another scenario whereby I need to fade in images sequentially at certain times related to a button press. Here is the scenario:

  1. Button is pressed
  2. Wait 30 seconds
  3. First image fades in (over the course of perhaps 3 seconds) and stays on-screen until…
  4. Button is pressed again
  5. First image immediately fades out (over the course of 3 seconds)
  6. Wait another 30 seconds
  7. Second image fades in and stays on-screen until…
  8. Button is pressed again

… and so on and so forth for about 6 images. How can this be accomplished? I have attempted to use a Delay CHOP but obviously that delays the image fading out in addition to it fading in.

Thank you again.

Are you in 077 or 088?

I am in 077, is there an easier way to do it in 088?

It would be easier if you like scripting python, which I would normally do for a problem like this.

Since you’re in 077 I did it all with CHOPs.

The main thing to really look through is how I got to the solution, which was just taking the steps you said and further breaking them down into the smallest possible actions, then finding the corresponding operator to make that action happen.

So when you said wait 30 seconds then do something, I put down a Trigger CHOP with an attack of 30 seconds, then a Logic CHOP right after it that would send out a 1 at the end of that 30 seconds. We already had the previous example, so I hooked those two into the Count, so it basically acts like another button that goes off in 30 secs after you hit the initial button. I got rid of the Filter and made the Switch TOP a hard switch, because this now just managed what image was being shown, and our fading was all happening elsewhere.

So that’s half the battle. Then for the other half was fading. I worked backwards on that issue and made a Level TOP and ran a null to it’s opacity. Then I put a Math CHOP right before it and flipped the output mapping so that button on would fade out, and button off fade in. Add a Filter and we had the base of our fading.

Now we had to find a way to have the fading actions happen at the right time. We know that we wanted on button push to fade out, then after the 30 seconds fade it back in. So I put a Count at the start so when the button gets clicked, the Count holds a 1 (immediately fading out), but then I connected the output of the our Logic (which is the trigger after the 30 sec timer) to reset the Count, back to 0, which would then fade everything back in at the same time that the next image was pulled up.

The processing itself isn’t anything special, so when you’re looking at the example, try to follow the step by step problem solving logic, as opposed to looking at it as a static setup.

Good luck!
filter example.10.toe (5.76 KB)

Hi @renqingqi best would be to make a new post and add as much details as possible about what you’re trying to do, as well as a sample project file of what you’ve tried. That’d get you the answer the fastest :slight_smile:

Ok, thank you