IF I put an eval DAT down, and reference someOP.par.somePar.enable I have to do a evalDat.refresh(force=1) to get the updated value.
I’m not sure if this would adversely affect the recent optimizations custom parameters, and expressions etc but if it would be super awesome if this was TD dependency enabled like other things.
Currently building UI systems that pair closely with custom parameters is working out really great and the natural inclination is to take advantage of more things natively built into custom params that don’t need to be managed separately.
EX. page names, section dividers, enabled status, and min/max, etc
however my UI changes on the fly, and if the user modifies one param, it may enable or disable some other params based on the context of what they’ve set from a menu par for example.
Right now, to update my UI front end I have to manually refresh some things which is doable but introduces lots of PUSH based code and has to then be managed a lot more.