As someone working with the geometry viewer and custom glsl shaders a lot, I find myself always having to deselect the currently selected Geo so I don’t get the default green selection shader.
My work around is to have a geometry null and select that using the Pick dropdown menu in the geometry viewer, but it’s a little cumbersome.
A deselect shortcut would be great. It seems currently in Python it’s only possible to deselect operators with the op.selected flag, making it a bit cumbersome to use as well.
+1 for this and/or geometry viewer improvments in general.
ability to disable the green current geo highlight in general
when green highlight for current is enabled, respect active vertex shader for material, instead of showing sop pre-deformation
geo viewer display options not hidden in some floating window but shown in the geo viewer panel workspace/layout with everything else at all times (like houdini.)
maybe the color override used by the geo viewer uses could be built into a more general purpose TDOutput() function that includes TDOutputSwizzle(), which is currently hyper specific and verbosely named. it’s rarely actually needed, even on macOS.
I would be fine if this is rolled into the Vulkan implementation if it’s a significant enough amount of work.
Eventually noticed that ‘S’ was the select shortcut in the viewer (I know it shows up when hovering over the select icon in the top toolbar in the geometry viewer), and clicking an empty space deselects, getting rid of the dreaded green selection shader in a simpler manner than the workaround I mentioned.