Direct Display Out not listing all displays with shared display name

I’ve downloaded and configured ddisplay, but in TouchDesigner, when I add a Direct Display Out TOP, I only see a single option in the “Display” dropdown. My suspicion is that because all of my displays share the same display name, it’s causing an issue.

Display Index Adapter Index NVAPI DisplayId OS TargetId Status Source Resolution Display Name
2 0 82061084 3107 Removed, Managed, Acquired 1920 x 1200 HDMI Matrix
3 2 80061082 2101 Removed, Managed, Not Acquired 1920 x 1200 HDMI Matrix
4 2 80061080 2103 Removed, Managed, Not Acquired 1920 x 1200 HDMI Matrix
5 2 80061086 2105 Removed, Managed, Not Acquired 1920 x 1200 HDMI Matrix
6 2 80061084 2107 Removed, Managed, Not Acquired 1920 x 1200 HDMI Matrix

Ideally, the TOP would use the same display index that’s used by the ddisplay utility.

Thanks for the report. I’ll take a look at this soon

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Hey, from that output it looks like you have another GPU on your machine, and the displays are on that GPU. You need to make sure TouchDesigner is running on that GPU if you want to drive display from it.
I assume from the way you’ve set this up you are trying to output from 4 outputs on the second GPU. However you can’t do it this way. You need to be running on the ‘GPU’ you want to output from, and you can only have Direct Display 3 outputs.

You’ll need to join your GPUs together into a single virtual GPU using Multi-GPU Mosaic to get this setup to work the way you want.

On my machine I see both displays listed, although they have the same time. I’ll see if I can make that more descriptive.