Display actual FPS while in perform mode

Running TD 088 with Kinect input on an older Intel Nuc
ark.intel.com/products/83254/In … -NUC5i5RYK

i5 CPU, integrated graphics, no dedicated GPU.

Surprised actually that it launches although CPU is maxed out at 100%!

Problem is performance.
Although i am targeting 30fps in the timeline, pretty sure playback with HD video from Kinect in Perform mode is substantially less.

What is the simplest way to display actual FPS while in perform mode?

I’ve had luck building a Perform Stats Dashboard of sorts using a Perform CHOP to send realtime FPS (and other stuff) via an OSC output to a Lemur App running on my iPad.

I’m using a faster beast of a machine, so not sure how that addition would affect your performance margins though. You could probably tweak your Perform / OSC CHOP update times a bit to compensate.


Perform chop, trail chop, opviewer comp
