I’m trying to display in emoji in a TOP. However, I’ve been unable to accomplish this so ffar. I tried following [url]https://www.derivative.ca/wiki088/index.php?title=Unicode[/url] but with no success - how do I enter the phrase “op(‘/project1’).fetch(‘loadedText’)” as a python expression in the text field? Or is there another way to accomplish this? My font is currently set to Apple Color Emoji - is this the correct choice of font?
I was able to get it to work with those instructions. The last step I had to take was to set my Text TOP’s font to “Segoe UI Emoji”. It renders the emoji in black and white. I imagine TouchDesigner doesn’t have color font support. If you wanted a color emoji have you thought about rendering it in the web browser or other browser that support it and exporting a png from there to input into touch?
example .toe and text file are attached. emojiText.zip (3.96 KB)
From there you can use the web inspector (not sure how familiar you are with it). Its a tool in browsers that allow you to edit the CSS. You can select the emoji and increase it’s font-size. Browsers can only render emojis at around 162px. Larger than that they render weird. You could screenshot that and remove the white on the outside in photoshop or through a blend mode.
You could also Google around for a picture someone has already generated for the emoji. Color fonts are quite new and have a few quirks. They don’t work like your standard black font.
in the latest Touchdesigner they added much better unicode support! What this means is you can now paste an emoji right into a textTop in Touchdesigner and it will display correctly!