Distance travelled by a point

I have two questions:
I want to know how far a point travelled over a certain time, is there a easy solution (maybe a chop I forgot could do the job) to find this number?
I’m using a kinect to tract various point of the body and want to know if the person moved a lot or not and therefore knowing the distance travelled by each of those points would allow me to get a score to display.
I’m also concerned by the fact kinect may lose some point as hands for example could be out of the frame for some time and it could make the number irrelevant. Any way, to deal with this possible issue?
Best regards,

Was a little bit of a trick, but I made this network to do it. I leave it as an exercise to figure out how it works if you want, or just input x, y, z values. Output is distance moved.
point_dist_moved.tox (1.1 KB)

Also I’m not a CHOP master, so if anyone here knows a better way, let’s compare and contrast!

Great! thank you for your help


you can simplify this a bit by using a Math CHOP with the “Combine Channels” parameter set to Length. This will effectively give you the distance from 0 to the position. Now following @Ivan 's approach you look at the Slope between 2 frames followed by a Math CHOP to get the absolute number that now feeds into a Speed CHOP to calculate total distance traveled.

For a general idea of how much something moved over a certain time, you should use a Trail CHOP to record the last x-seconds of the absolute slope and then feed this into a non-timesliced Speed CHOP (the Timeslice Parameter is on the Common Page of the Speed CHOP and more about Timeslicing here: Time Slicing - Derivative) Now appending an Analyze CHOP with the Maximum Function selected should give you the right result.

Regarding the Kinect, depending on what Kinect you are using, I believe the Status Channels for the Kinect 1/2 and the Confidence Channels for the Azure can be helpful.

Hope this helps

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