DMX channel names

Hi there,

I have been tot the summit last weekend and naturally I started tinkering with TD this week in my workshop.

Now, the first thing I started on is adressing my DMX lighting fixtures. It was a pain in the *ss because of my network setup but I managed to get it working.

as a next step (I work with students with no tech knowledge) I want to split it up into two:

First several fixture nodes that have the parameters as my fixtures have them (int,R,G,L,B,spd, etc). plus a custom parameter on the node where the students only have to set the start adress in the DMX chain and feed values to inputs.

Second DMX Out node that filters the channels, feeds them back into an array of 512 and sends them into either artnet or a USB DMX dongle.

now, the last part is working.

However I cannot get the channel naming to work for the first part. in the end I think it should:

  • filter the channels using a replace of some sort
  • change the names to _chan
  • append the start address with an offset

Also: how do you pick the IP from a custom parameter. parent().par.Ip.val does not work. Should it be a string? or some other format?

attached is the project I have been working on.
DMX Test.toe (8.84 KB)


About the IP problem you should use me.parent().par.Ip

And I don’t know if I understood your problem but check the file to see If that is what you wanted to do. If that’s the case you should check python expressions.

Hope it helps!
DMX Test.9.toe (8.78 KB)