Dmx scenes in TD

Hi all,

I am able to setup DMX via midi control but would like to be able to recall
certain settings to activate multiple lights via a button ( ON/OFF) midi.

This would basically recreate a lighting desk but within TD.

Any tips how I would go about this?

thatā€™s a super big ask. TD is best at being a stateless machine, if you want to build a ā€œstate machineā€ (for lack of a better term) in TD, expect to have to use a LOT of python.

Or you could just use a Lighting Console instead of a MIDI controller. best of both worlds.

What I like about TD is that I can use midi to control both visuals/ generated content and imported video along with DMX all from the one console.

Will a basic lighting console also control parameters within TD, and as you said be functional for controlling standard lighting scenes?>

I havent seen much information around regarding the use of DMX to control paremeters, mainly midi.

Thanks for all the info!

I have worked recently on something similar. As Peeet said thereā€™s a lot of python involved, especially if you want to be able to say, stage up and down, to have some sorts of sequencer, times on your transitionsā€¦ bare in mind iā€™m new in TD. I worked on it using Table dats as cuelists. a main one with collumns for video, sound and lights ā€˜cue numbersā€™ refering to cues in their seperate tables. the light cue table refers to another which stocks 256 collumns (half dmx universe addresses) with each row filled with values. this can then be evaluated against a 1 row ā€œpatch tableā€ then fed to dmx out. I know its not efficient because you could be only storing the channels you need. I havent gotten this far yet. let me know if you want more gibberish or a file, but iā€™d need a few days to tidy itā€¦

Thanks for the quick responses, I ve actually gone about it in a different and
much simpler way. I had an old 24 channel lighting console at work, this
actually opens up more possibility as I am able to store scenes ( use it as regular DMX console) and use it to change parameters and affect video files etc within TD>

I d still be interested to see your TD network out of interest just to see how you set it up!


i did this:
basicSnapDMXSeq.toe (4.7 KB)
it is very basic, no fade, just populates a ā€œdmx outā€ table with a ā€œlight sceneā€ from another table) if it is called in the main sequencer (another table). cross patching in the python script so that the scenes find the right dimmers.

this is not a workable project really.
if you change number of projectors in the ipar base COMP you risk loosing data. Its far from perfect, more of a workflow

the output table is basically an array of dimmer values, so indexes start @ 0 where DMX says 1.

Could be made better using the reserved (nextCue) , that being how you could start managing stage up and down, crossfades, selecting next to do smoother ā€œgo-backsā€ or to skip ā€œxā€ scenesā€¦

comments welcome

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I havent had a chance to look at what you sent me yet but I have managed
to figure out a workaround without all the complexity.

Thanks all the same.