DPI scaling 4K monitors coming to Touchdesigner?

Dear Derivative. I want to ask what is the plan on true scaling for 4K monitors. In the current state Touchdesigner is using global scaling of windows that is resulting in blurry UI. That make little unpleasant experience to work with Touchdesigner. Its 2020 and lot of visual artists are using 4K monitors, its logical approach for such profession. I have 4K monitor both on my desktop and laptop for example. Playing with the DPI windows scaling don’t solve the problem and in some cases even drop performance of Touchdesigner. Thank you for such a amazing software.



been waiting for this to happen for years :pleading_face:

True DPI scaling control is still over a year away as it requires an entire UI rewrite.
Previously TouchDesigner used to have this completely turned off and more and more people complained about everything too tiny on their new 4K monitors, so we made this the default.
We can look at a toggle to turn it on/off easily, but then you are subject to using Windows Display Scaling and affecting all your other programs. Still, options are good I guess?

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Hi Ben!

yes I would love that options for now please :smiley:

by the way, I’m quite curious if you guys are planning to rewrie the UI in Touch more or less like current way or completely from scratch in C++ … ?

@ben thanks for the reply. I understand that to rewrite new UI is big task. Yes some more custom control over the scaling would be great. For example on my laptop with 4K I have 200 % scale to have normal size of the other software but touchdesigner appear to be to blurry. If I go to 150 % touchdesigner looks sharper but for the other software is to small. Some kind of control would be really great. Thanks a lot !!!