It was easy because it was a cube warped to a spline, which was generated by a function type:
I’m getting stuck in the first step… I don’t know how to generate a spline!
I guess I should use a Sweep SOP to clone a box through a path, but so far I just can draw a straight line. Can I use the splines generated in the Animation Editor?
Please, somebody enlighten me in this, still, dark path…
As a first step, I would start with the default setup.toe
Change the noise CHOP to output three channels, instead of the single ‘chan1’
Do this with the ‘Channel Name’ parameter.
Then put down a limit SOP.
Drag the CHOP over it.
andin the limit SOP, set the X, Y, Z channel to the 3 channels output in the noise CHOP.
You’ll get an animated polygonal line.
Play with the output page to get a squarish tube, etc,
or use the original polygonal line as input to Sweep as you mentioned.