Driving RAMP parameters with LFOs (DAT Evaluate question)

Hi, a while back with some help from the forum i put together an environment where the RGB parameters of a RAMP top were being driven by CHOP values. The Ramp_Keys DAT was fed into an Evaluate DAT, which was then referenced by the Ramp TOP.

However for the life of me I cant seem to replicate this method on my current build of TD, although my old project opens fine on recent TD builds.

One potential issue is that i cant seem to select “Output: Strings” on my new build of TD. I only get options for Evaluate/Input Data/Input Expressions.

Am I missing something here? I’m attaching the old .toe example, which does seem to work. I just cant seem to rebuild this from scratch in TD any more.

example.1.toe (4.8 KB)

Hey @stovbraid,

some things to change:

  • we in a way decomissioned tscript, while still there we encourage everybody to switch to python. All operators have a language selector in their parameters, it’s the “T” or python icon you can click on the top right of the parameters
  • the expression in the Table DAT feeding the Eval DAT should then be op('null3')['r'] for the red value. The other colors have to use a similar expression.
  • Add an extra first header row to the Table DAT pos r g b a
  • don’t have the Eval DAT try to evaluate the first row by toggling the “Exclude First Row” parameter on the DAT’s “Scope” page.

The attached file also includes the tscript cleaned up and working - but yeah - we strongly encourage using python.

Hope that helps

example.3.toe (6.5 KB)

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