Dynamically displacing z-value in geometry

Hi all!

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this question – totally new here! I’ve been having difficulty implementing something that will allow me to displace the z-coordinates of a geometry in realtime.

I have a geometry SOP which has a null SOP (some kind of image) as its “Default Instance OP” parameter in the “Instance” tab. The geometry SOP is receiving a circle SOP as its sole input, making the geometry render a circle at every sample location in the image. The “Translate Z” on the geometry SOP is set to “b” (the blue channel of the image, which contains some height data), but I’d like to multiply that channel value by a variable number coming from an analyze CHOP. Any ideas how I can do this?

I’ve tried doing a CHOP to SOP with the analyze node, then routing it to a transform node (???) but I’m not sure where to go from there. Have also though about creating a new texture and somehow making the b channel the value of the analyze node and merging it with the original image somehow, but again, not sure how I’d go about that. Also tried to set the “Translate Z” value in the geometry from “b” to “op(‘analyze3’)[‘chan1’].eval() * b” (saw this in a tutorial somewhere, changed it to match my op and channel name) but I think the geometry is only has access to the image data from the node specified in the “Instance” tab.


If I understand you correctly you’ll be happy to find the “pushPins” example in the Pallete (under Techniques).
let me know if you have further question after checking that.


Thanks so much for your response (and sorry for the delay)! This definitely put me in the right direction.