Edit geometry from Rhino in Touch Designer


I use Touch Designer 099 on Mac.Actually I have 2 questions within this topic.

  1. I imported a group of mesh geometries as FBX file from Rhino. I want to edit these meshes and have single line representing each mesh. I used SOP Carve but I think because of the original confg of these meshes, I get circles out of them instead of lines.
    Do you know a method that I can carve them and have a group of lines?

  2. Is it possible to import tHe geometry as NURBS? I tried to import them. the result is multiple separated SOP NURBS that I have to group together. SOP Group seems not to be working as there are 90 separate NURBS. Is it better to pursue with NURBS or mesh?

Sorry for my plain and naive explanation. I’m new and I try to learn this software via a project.
I attached the file here.

NewProject.1.toe (5.06 KB)

Nevermind. I imported a group of NURBS and have an object now. Is there a way to convert COM to SOP and edit the geometry?
GroupGeo.3.toe (7.38 KB)