Educational Version Crashs

I got the Educational Licence and since then Touchdesigner is crashing more frequently with various projects, especially when I start to output it through a second monitor or when drawing a mask with Kantan Mapper. I already re-installed my licence, it still occurs.

I run it on a Razer Blade 16, RTX4090, i9-13950HX.

The dmp file is 3.4GB

Hi @fionacosima,

is it freezing or crashing without a dialog? Usually the dmp files generated by TouchDesigner are a couple mb or so…
The Educational and Non-Commercial version have no functional difference aside from the resolution limit being lifted, is your project behaving more reliably when lowering the resolution to 1280x720?
Also what TouchDesigner version are you running?

You can zip the dmp file and share the link to the dmp if you like.
Would it be possible to share the project so we can see why it might be running unstable?


Hi, so I did it now with winDbg and the error is (if that’s right) that is occuring when I try to open the window of the kantan Mapper on my Projector:

onecore\base\appmodel\runtime\src\lookup.cpp(218)\kernelbase.dll!00007FFA6899548F: (caller: 00007FFA68A43349) ReturnHr(15) tid(3090) 8007007A The data area passed to a system call is too small.
ModLoad: 00007ffa5c400000 00007ffa5c6e3000 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CoreUIComponents.dll

Hi @fionacosima,

could you let us know:

  • the TouchDesigner version you are running
  • is TouchDesigner crashing or freezing
  • in the case of crashing, do you see a TouchDesigner crash dialog?
  • are all your drivers up to date


The current one ( 2023.12120), it’s freezing that’s why I had to do it with the WinDbg and they are all up to date.

Hi @fionacosima,

and this is happening when you start an empty project with just a KantanMapper?
Not sure if this matters, but just in case to get the full picture: is the output via HDMI or USB-C?

In case there are settings changed in your file, could you share those, I cannot reproduce on a similar system.


Yes, I use a new project. The projector is disconnected now it’s only my second monitor and it still freezes.

Hi @fionacosima,

sorry for not being able to help much here but I’ll just repost our standard first reply to these issues. If at all possible please email a link to the zipped dmp. to or post here in the thread.

As a first step, make sure that all your drivers, including integrated graphic drivers, are up to date and that your machine is free of bloatware.

The Bulk Crap Uninstaller helps in identifying unwanted or unneeded software:

Find the latest driver for your GPU at Official Drivers | NVIDIA
or use Nvidia Geforce Experience Update Drivers & Optimal Playable Settings

You can also make sure that your integrated GPU is running on the latest version available via Intel Driver Assistant.

You can use the AMD Adrenalin if you have an AMD Integrated GPU, in minimal install mode, via

:zap::zap::zap: If your machine comes with a proprietary power management software (From Asus, Dell / Alienware… etc), make sure that it’s setup properly to run TouchDesigner on the Nvidia / AMD DEDICATED GPU when plugged to power. Otherwise, it’s likely that TouchDesigner would run on the integrated graphics, hence it is important to also make sure your integrated graphics are up to date.

If the issue persists, try to generate a dump using Using WinDbg to Debug Crashes - Derivative


Hi @fionacosima,

this file doesn’t contain much, could you zip and share a link to the dmp file created with windbg?


Now it’s the right one, sorry. (7.6 KB)

It was fine the past days, now it crashes again all the time without reason. I started to get now the “vulkan devide has returned a fatal error code” message when it freezes.

Hi @fionacosima,

wonder if it make sense for you to try an older NVIDIA driver.

This conversation refers to 555.99 being stable.
